What is Tamashi?

What is play?
Imagine if all your friends were fat. Upload a photo +

Add your deck to the mix with this template.
Make a game using one or several of the card +
Japanese for soul.
Georgian for play

Cupcake Carrie is a Young lady who ate one too +

Chuck and his many rock discoveries.
A school that we could take with us every day, +
...or not.
—Gail Swanlund
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up +
The history of the world is none other than the +
You are not here to fix anything, because nothing is +
—Bjarke Ingels
One has to take several different shots of a subject, +
Beauty is always the result of an accident.
—Jean Cocteau
The unknown is an abstraction; the known, a desert; but +
Be curious, not judgmental.
—Walt Whitman
...game, serenity, intelligence and joy are the rules of a +
Reality is not always probable, or likely.
—Jorge Luis Borges
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the +
It’s part of the nature of man to start with +
Take a giant step outside.
Perfection is beautiful, but it’s stupid. You have to know +
Be in love with your life, every detail of it.
—Jack +
There couldn’t be a society of people who didn’t dream. +
To keep the spirit of childhood within oneself…means retaining the +
What could be.
What a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful +
A certain type of perfection can only be realized through +
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what +
Second object smelled really bad.
Remind yourself (and us) of something important.
Look into a glass or cup full of liquid. It +
Live an hour as someone else. Name the person (real +
Walk on a tightrope from one cloud to another.
Find a pattern, textile or texture around you. This can +
Make a new symbol for the word “why.”
Make a list of the pros and cons of making +
Write out your favorite poem. If you don’t have one, +
Go for a walk. Find a place you have never +
Reflect on one of your favorite personal mistakes.
Pick one consonant from the alphabet. Try to speak and +
Draw your family in thirty seconds.
Sleep with your head on the opposite end of the +
Create a superhero alter-ego for yourself based on your favorite +
Make a wish and repeat it in your head as +
Make a map of the city you live in from +
Rename silence using as many words as you can.
Write an origin story for the color blue.
Take your name and make as many anagrams as you +
Walk with your head looking straight into the sky and +
Look down.
What's there?
What does the word "interesting" mean?
Do you use it often?
What +
You should make a fort inside of your house!!
(and show +
Next several times you brush your teeth in front of +

Scent Gathering
Close your eyes and take a whiff of something +

The height played an essential part of seeing.
I wonder how +

Sight Gathering
Some objects that students used to play with this +